Deciding where to invest your money isn’t a decision you should take lightly. You must ensure every penny allocated to your marketing efforts delivers an ROI or you risk losing your money and the opportunity to close more sales.
Email marketing for small business is a cost-effective way to promote your brand to specific market segments and grow your revenue. A McKinsey study revealed that email is almost 40 times more effective than Twitter and Facebook combined in attracting new customers. What’s more, according to 80 percent of industry professionals, the best email campaigns drive customer acquisition and retention.
How effective is email marketing for small businesses? You’re about to find out.
Take your small business marketing to the next level with universe soft care email marketing services for small business. Our email marketing agency offers drip marketing automation services to help you further cement your unique brand identity in your customers’ minds.
But first, discover 1) what is drip marketing and 2) how our marketing automation services can accelerate your business growth.